Wednesday, October 20, 2021


Today I learned,
How to cook,
By flipping some pages📄,
of a cook book📖.

I added extra salt🧂,
This was one of my fault.
I didn't have potatoes🥔,
So I added Tomatoes🍅.
I didn't have Jeera,
which was used to add some spice,
So I added Rai and some Rice🍚.
Then I cried because it got over fried.

I kept making silly mistakes again and again,
like putting wrong value,
Then I decided to discontinue.
But I didn't because,
Who will write further poem for you?

You won't understand the pain,
When the expectations and reality aren't same.
I smell burning food,
Which is not good.
On my first try, Everything got burned🔥,
Oops, this isn't what I learned.

My friend gave me this cook book📕,
She said, "You couldn't beat it.",
Just because I couldn't eat it.
There must be something,
wrong in the cook book.

Learning to cook,
is like learning to solve puzzles.
Read my poem and tell me,
Will I ever achieve error free perfection?


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