Sunday, November 24, 2019


Tik Tak Tail,
I want to see,
A packet of Ghee,
The Ghee is Yellow.
You are a Fellow,
The Fellow told Light💡,
The Light shines Bright,
The Bright Light just ,
Shines at a height,
The Height is Tall.
I want to climb a Wall,
The Wall is Pink.
I want to go to the Sink,
The Sink is Blue.
I want some Glue, 
The Glue is Sticky.
My friend is Pinky,
She is a Girl👧,
She loves Curls,
Her curls are Brown,
She wears a Crown.
The crown is heavy,
now the crown is too fluffy.



  1. Her curls are Brown,
    She wears a Crown.
    The crown is heavy,
    now the crown is too fluffy.
    (heavy is the head that wears the crown)
    (long live the queen)
    (long live you - if you want)
    (nevertheless you are the queen)


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Thanks a lot for making my day!!!❤