Thursday, February 17, 2022


Two years ago, in October, we met a cat📆,

Who was really easy to pet.

All you need to do is stand still👭,

She will come to you on her own will.

We named her Coconut🥥,

She was as socialized as Lovebirds🐦.

Coconut – The most adorable meowing cat😺,

The best animal whom I ever met 🐈.

During the time of lockdown and curfew,

The doorbell didn't ring but meowed you😻.

Her beautiful eyes sometimes showed love, sometimes glare,

sometimes a scary death stare👀.

Even though she could only say "meow😽",

Her eyes asked us, "Kya mein ghar ke andar aau (me ow) 😼?"

Everyday, she looked after my basil plant🪴,

Like a compassionate caretaking aunt👩.

Coconut and Peach always fought like Tom and Jerry😾,

But both the cats were always merry😸.

The way she expressed her emotions,

Made her the one chosen.

She never broke anything in our house🏡,

And never ran away just to catch a mouse🐁.

At the pigeons she always stared😹,

Which made all the pigeons really scared 😬.

Her way of playing games was very unique,

As she always won when we played Hide and Seek.

We had a special bond of mutual understanding,

Where I understood her and she understood me.

She got very famous in our society.

Calming everyone's stress and anxiety.

Now, who thought a calico cat would be so interesting,

Who ended up teaching us so many things🙀.

Whenever she slept on the cozy bed🛏,

I was there too, just sleeping beside her head🤯.

Whenever she came to us, always made me smile😊,

Don’t know why viral fever took her far a mile.

When she was gone, many flats filled with tears🏢,

Especially the ones of me and my neighbor’s.

I really hate that viral fever😿,

Which forever took away my satisfaction.

I know that I will never be able to meet her again,

But her memories flood my brain.

I still hear many cats’ noise🔊,

But none of them is Coconut’s voice😞.


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