Thursday, September 2, 2021


Three little kittens of Coconut –

Aang , Korra and Roku,

With whom we play all the day,

With different toys in a new way.

Roku loves playing paw ball⚽,

Played with small orange ball🏀.

Aang is a “Mommy's Cat”,

Korra is called “The Real Cat🐈,

and unforgettable Roku,

with the shiny colour pitch-black.

These cats like silence,

Like in a library with many books📚,

And that’s how these cats look.

When in the evening, these cats are sleeping🛌,

Meanwhile me and my sister are peeping.

These kittens like staying at home🏡,

Good for me, as it stops my boredom.

They stave off my loneliness,

Don’t forget, they do make some mess😅.


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