Friday, April 22, 2022


Creating pollution, Avoiding the solution .

Global warming is increasing🌞,

Flora and fauna species are decreasing🐧,

Coral Reefs are also dying.

Glaciers and Icebergs are melting🏔,

Floods and Tsunamis are coming🌊.


Throwing plastic in oceans♳,

Giving our Earth so much burden🧊.

Changing rivers’ route🚣,

In some places causing drought⛅.

Upcoming extreme weather events🌀,

Like many more heat waves🔥.


Threatening the planet in a new unexpected way🌍,

Volcanic eruptions, avalanches🌋,

And triggering earthquakes every day⛈.

Rain, Snow and storms🌨,

Now, our Earth is deformed🌦.

All because of global warming,

What has happened to the world 🌎,

In which we are living.

The Earth is slowly getting worse🌏,

We need to take care of it like a nurse🩺.


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