Wednesday, January 27, 2021

कोरोना ची महामारी

कोरोना ची महामारी,

पूर्ण देश ला पडली भारी.

आमहायला राहायचं आहे घराचे आत,

खायची आहे आईचे हाथाने बनवली भात.  

पण स्वयंपाक करण्याचा आदी,

आपल्याला धुवायचे आहे हाथ ,

नाहीतर पडेल आईची कडक डाट . 

-तूलिका तिवारी

Thursday, January 14, 2021


If I were a kite🪁,
I would take, 
a cake bite🍰,
in happiness.
I would see ,
a very good sight,
from a great height.
Everyone can pick me up,
as I am very light.
I will have a fight,
with my friends,
who are kites.
This is what I will do,
If I were a kite. 

If I were a kite,
I would be colourful,
and beautiful.
I would fly, 
like the birds,
in the high sky🌄.
Then my mom would say,
"oh , my!,
how did you fly ,
so high in the sky?"
If I were really a kite ,
this might happen so.


Tuesday, January 5, 2021


We see birds in the sky,

Who fly very very high .

Their colourful feathers, beautiful eyes,

Wonderful to look at like glacier and ice .

Birds chirping in the charming sky,

Saying everyone hi and bye .

Making nests with strings, sticks and grass,

Tailor bird’s nest is as thin as vase.

Each and every birds’ nest is so lovely shown,

Now the chicks of these birds are grown.

Nestlings fight for food,

No matter what’s their mood.

They eat grains and rice,

Which look like gold and silver from their eyes .

They enjoy playing above the clouds,

Look, I made a Parrot using clay mould.

I’m a bird! , I’m a bird!,

Say it out aloud.

Flying near the colourful rainbow,

And near the crossbow of a farmer’s scarecrow .

Some bird’s legs are as thin as a stick,

The young one of a hen is a chick.