Tuesday, March 24, 2020


The virus which spread in 2020,
from China's Wuhan to many country.
Beware of this virus it's very deadly.
I know for you it's a big history.

But then too we need to find,
the answer of this mystery.
But don't forget to plant a tree🌴.
It is more worse than swine flu,
It makes our lungs and blood blue🔵.

It travels faster than lightning speed⛈,
It can infect the king to the bleed.
This crown can snatch your crown👑,
So, be hygienic 
by washing your hands,
and clean your town to save your motherland🌍.

The town is filled with Lockdown.
There is no place in my house🏠,
for me to runaround.
It's just because 
of Chinatown.

                                     -TULIKA TIWARI


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