Wednesday, March 25, 2020

राजा , रानी , और नानी

राजा आया बैंड-बाजा लाया। 
रानी भी बहुत सयानी।
रानी ने पिया खूब पानी।
रानी को याद आई नानी।
एक दिन नानी ने रानी को,
सुनाई थी यह कहानी।
अब हो गयी खतम यह कविता ,
अभ आप भी पियो पानी। 

  -तूलिका तिवारी

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


The virus which spread in 2020,
from China's Wuhan to many country.
Beware of this virus it's very deadly.
I know for you it's a big history.

But then too we need to find,
the answer of this mystery.
But don't forget to plant a tree🌴.
It is more worse than swine flu,
It makes our lungs and blood blue🔵.

It travels faster than lightning speed⛈,
It can infect the king to the bleed.
This crown can snatch your crown👑,
So, be hygienic 
by washing your hands,
and clean your town to save your motherland🌍.

The town is filled with Lockdown.
There is no place in my house🏠,
for me to runaround.
It's just because 
of Chinatown.

                                     -TULIKA TIWARI

Monday, March 23, 2020


There was a tame bloodhound,
which had a fluffed up teddy bear.
The bloodhound wanted some tea in the cup,
for the teddy bear who was fluffed up.
The bloodhound saw mouselings.
It wanted feast in the platters.
It gobbled for sometime.

Abrupty it turned over a new leaf.
It took plumage and stuck it in his body,
which was of plumes.
It sniffed a little and started soaring.
It leaped out and became savage.

           -TULIKA TIWARI

Sunday, March 22, 2020


Every drop of water counts💧,
up to 100 million pounds£.
Turn of the tap when not in use,
otherwise you will get confused.
It is just like what you drink,
but not just with a single blink.
Repair leaky pipes,
with a variety of types.
Even when it rains⛆,
Don't let the extra water drain.
Recycle rain water🌧,
with the help of each and every,
son and daughter,
So don't bother.

How to Save Water During a Drought - HomeSelfe

Wednesday, March 11, 2020


The buildings are tall,
made up of wall, with cement,
Sometimes, a mall.

They are wide,
from some sides,
having a slide,
just to glide.

They have windows,
and a boat to row.

They have many floors,
with each and every door.

But there is something more.

They have flats,
with some dog and cats.

There are so many tiles.

The buildings are cool,
 having a pool,
without a tool,
where everyone are cool,
in flying colours.

All with merry joy,
we will have fun,
and we will eat a huge bun.

They have plants,
and a chance,
to win the competition,
of the dance.